Tuesday 19 October 2010

In a small town called Camden the man behind door number 31 isn't who the neighbours think he is. To them hes just a vulnerable man who's never had anyone but himself. On the night of trick and treats one man changes everything in the spine-tingling horror, written and directed by an extraordinary collaboration of Naresa Azemi, Rema Kadir and Asma Begum, who have all been previous award winning horror directors and writers.

The man (Jason Shrew) kills the children one by one after he puts them through a roller coaster of hell with his horrifying Halloween games that he plans all year. When a string of grisly murderes puts the town on high alert, the man dissaperas to his family farm in the countryside and leaves the parents wondering what happened on the night of celebration?

Jason Shrew had a troubled life growing up, his parents abused him, they were both alcoholics. He tried to find an escape. He attempted every possible thing in the book to be seen as a popular kid by his classmates but regardless he remained the outcast. One day everything changed. He realized that if he turned to crime and deviance he would finally get some attention. The journey to hell for many people started on that day.

The gifted cast of '31.10.10' take the audience into the mind of a very troubled man, longing for some attention and love, but he goes about things the wrong way and takes kids and families through some gruesome and chilling encounters. How many murders will it take for the parents to figure out who the killer is? Will someone survive? Embrace yourselves for this award-nominated horror movie and strap yourselves in because you are in for the fright of your life.

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