Tuesday 12 October 2010

Our Concept:

In our group, we came up with our concept which will be everything from mise en scene to props, plot and story line and all the other conventions we will include in our trailer.

We have decided to call our film 31 as it really grasp onto the horror idea as 31 is a significant date in October as it is Halloween. It is also the the number 13 if you flip it around which isn't the luckiest number/day only on a Friday. Our story-line is about a man who no one sees all ear round, until the 31st October, which can be no other day than Halloween. He snatches any children who trick or treat at his door and puts then through a roller coaster of hell with his horrifying Halloween games he plans all year round. He then viciously kills them but who will survive? Will he get away with this cold blooded, sick mind games? Why does he do this? All will be revealed if you patently wait. Embrace yourself for an inviting trailer which will make you want to come and watch 31 at cinemas near you!

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