Thursday 21 October 2010

The concept of our film trailer was to focus on the idea of keeping the antagonist anonymous. To do this, we had chosen to keep the face of our antagonist hidden. I have researched other films and found that many horror movies use masks or a lot of makeup to cover the disfigurement or face of the killer. This has influenced our groups idea on how our antagonist should look like.
Friday the 13th
On the left is shown the antagonist in the film 'Friday the 13th'. He is shown wearing a mask to keep his identity a secret from the audience and of those who are in the movie. This is a good example of what we want our antagonist wearing as the mask looks scary and the holes adds depth to the mask as you can see they eyes but keeps the rest of the face hidden even with all those holes. This is the kind of look we want to achieve in our trailer.                           
                                                             The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
On the right hand side you can see the antagonist from the movie 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre'. Here the villain isn't wearing a mask but a lot of make up to form a distorted face and this also makes the villain look scary and not something you would come across everyday and it is not seen as normal in society.

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