Friday 10 December 2010

Evaluation Question 4:
What have you learned from your audience feedback?

To help asses the effectiveness of our teaser trailer, I gathered some audience feedback to help me improve my evaluation as a publicity campaign. I began by posting the trailer, magazine front cover and poster on Facebook, a social networking site which my target audience is involved with.

Through this it enables people to leave comments about what they think of the publicity campaign and what is more effective. Although this enables me to get a limited amount of information i also took into account other audience feedback from the previous research and planning.!/pages/Media-Film-Publicity-Campaign-for-311010/176720165689556
From all the pieces of audience feedback it is clear to me that we have successfully created a three great publicity campaigns. Many said the trailer really connected with the characters and they themselves connected with the children in the trailer and sympathised with them.
Despite the positive audience feedback there is one minor problem. To improve the trailer i will need to get views of anonymous members of the public however, i do not think it is necessary as i am confident our trailer fully serves its purpose as a marketing campaign.

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