Friday 10 December 2010

Evaluation Question 3:

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Technology has played a big part in the making of our coursework as it helped us develop our understanding into the horror genre. This is shown throughout my blog and in the final film trailer. We used Mac computers in our media department as a form of computing during the production work. We used Mac computer as they allow us to use programmes and software that wouldn’t be available on other types of computers. Macs provide us with Photoshop were we used it to create out magazine front cover and poster. Photoshop has a wide variety of tools were you can edit work to produce best finished work. Windows PowerPoint was also used a lot as we used it to produce work we then uploaded to Slideshare. We also used it to create our draft of the magazine front cover and poster. This universal software’s were used at different stages from evaluating to analysing out production work.
For the research and planning stages we got into the habit of blogging consistently on a daily basis for at least 30minutes. We collected our individual research into props and Mise en scene from the internet. This was a huge advantage as we were able to research into the horror genre as well and look more specifically into horrors we wanted to base our concept around. We also used the internet to do a lot of research into synopsis, film posters and trailers. For all of these we evaluated them which helped us clearly see the step by step process in creating our end product, it also gave us an insight into what we could’ve changed and how we could’ve improved it.
As we got examples from the internet to help us with our understanding of poster and trailers However, we had to use our own work and original images to create our own poster and magazines. I analysed many different trailers including Paranormal Activity and The devil to help me get an understanding on where to start with the production of our teaser trailer.
Another important piece of technology we used was a Sony handy camcorder, without this we would not have been able film our trailer. Our Sony camcorder came with a tripod that was used whilst filmiest to keep the shots steady, where appropriate. We also used a digital camera to take still pictures as an evidence of production work. We then transferred the data onto the computer and uploaded them to our blogs.
After this we had to edit our shot and put them altogether to make our teaser trailer called 31.10.10. We used Imovie to put the shots together and add any effects and sound we wanted. This made it easier for us to navigate around and add images to any part of the trailer.  It was very easy to use and every member of the group got a chance at editing.
As audience feedback we used a Canon camera to film people’s responses to a few questions and uploaded it to our blog. We also used Facebook to get people reactions to what they made of the trailer. This helped us get a better understanding on what we can change and improve on and what our target audience likes to watch.!/pages/Media-Film-Publicity-Campaign-for-311010/176720165689556
Overall, media technologies were used throughout the making of our trailer, poster and front cover of our magazine. Flikr was used to upload all our still images where we could then add a description of each of the photos. YouTube was used to upload any videos that we had in our research and planning. This was very useful when we compared a teaser trailer to a normal length trailer. After using all these media technologies we managed to create a professional looking poster, front cover of a magazine and teaser trailer.  


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