Tuesday 21 September 2010

Conventions of Trailers
We summed this question up with some simple answers such as the genre of a movie, maybe because of the story line (narrative), unique selling point for instance a 3D movie, actors in the movie or simply because of film reviews. As a class we focused on three different movies to see how each trailer captures the audience’s attention. Below I have evaluated two of the three movies and shown the conventions each trailer uses.
From these screen grabs you can see that the movie has a blend of both comedy and romance genre's. The video game animation gives the trailer a unique convention as this is not often seen in many movies. The animation may also suggest that the movie is suitable for a younger audience.

Giving the directors name in the trailer could also be another reason why people would want to go and see it as if a previous movies was directed by this person and the movie turned out good then viewers would want tosee more films produced by him/her. The directors are trying to sell the movie as their name is being credited. In this case we see two popular movie names ‘Hot Fuzz’ and ‘Shaun of the Dead’ which are both also comedy movies.

The trailers includes the movies release date towards the end of it. When this is shown you also get additiona; information such as th eir website, credits to Universal Studies and the record name of who made the soundtrack to the movie.This is a good way to also get the publics intrests in other forms of the media which stills connects then to the film.

When watching the trailer we realize that quick rapid shots are used and this makes the pace of the trailer more faster which keeps the viewer more interested and focused on whats going on. They also capture the best pats of the movie making the trailer a kind of summary. The non-diagetic music adds onto the pace as it is also quick and up beat. Along with the music and rapid quick shots, there is dialoug which gives us a clue to the narrative so audience know what the film is baseed around.

My Dog Tulip Trailer

I looked at this trailer to comapre with the trailer 'Scott Pilgrim V The World'. This trailer has much longer shots and gives more of an understanding of what is happening. There is a voice over throughout the trailer explaining the narrative of the story which develops the charatcer in the trailer. The genre differs from the first above trailer as this trailer is mainly cartoon based. Towards the end the trailer the credits are shown in more detail and how they are involved in the movie.

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