Wednesday 15 September 2010

The Concept of Horror:

On Tuesday 14Th, we brainstormed our concept around horror. We asked ourself questions around horror and what is a horror movie? The next day we as a team allocated each other concepts we could do some research into to bring it back to the group and share ideas to get an idea into what out horror movie trailer can include.
I was allocated to do research into music and influences of horror movies.


Music within film is very important. Not only it helps to create the ambiance of the film and its plot, it also helps to evoke the emotions of the characters, so that the audience gets to feel the same thing.

Classical Horror Music:

Orchestral music was mainly used for horror movies. It has been used throughout time and is the most popular type of music used in horror films. One reason why orchestral music is so common in horror films is probably that the open-endedness and great dynamic range of the genre allows the composer to greatly vary his compositions to follow the events in a film. Another reason could be that it is very neutral and appeals to a wide audience, but perhaps the main reason is that powerful orchestral music simply works very well when there is a need to convey emotions and set a certain mood.

Modern Alternative:

Nowadays music is created through computers and horror movies use special effects to get a crowd screaming. A horror movie requires the right kind of music to function properly with the movie.


Firstly we as a group have to decide what our trailer is going to based around. After we decide i will then look into trailers based around we choose for example if our trialer consists children we can look at trailers such as 'the oprhan' or animals 'the hills have eyes'.
I will then see what all the tailers have in common and what makes then different to the other horror trailers.

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