Wednesday 3 November 2010

Organization of cameras:
Before we could start filming we needed a camera and a tripod to help give us till shots and we could pan some shots. We asked Mr Rosen if we could borrow a camera over the half term and so he gave us one with a clear tape for us to use. We discussed as a group who should be responsible for looking after the camera and we decided that Asma was best suited for that role. In order for us to make sure that the day was going to go smoothly we tested the camera so we were familiar with working it.
 My role was to get the actors ready for the shoot. We took turns in filming shots and looked after it by placing it back in its protective case whenever we weren't using it. We made sure that the camera was always fully charged and that it worked so we didn't have any problems during shooting.
After we had finished using the camera we handed it back to Mr Rosen so another group could use.

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