Wednesday 24 November 2010

Evidence of Production Work:

We produced a presentation on Flickr in order to show all the work and health and safety which took place on the day of filming. As well as filming we captured moving images as well as still images. For each picture, we have included a brief description - to view the description view the slide in full screen and click on 'show info'. I have inserted the slideshow below:

Click to enlarge and press show info for full description of pictures.

Official Magazine: 
This our official magazine poster for 30.10.10 - we decided to use photoshop to produce any posters/magazine covers as it has the best finish results and has all the available tools we need. Below is the an evaluation of how we created the magazine as well as the finished product:

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Below we have constructed a step by step to how we produced our movie magazine cover.

Friday 19 November 2010

Changing of Tile:
We changed the font/style of title as we thought it would go more with out genre. It also fitted into our colour scheme and the picture we used. We still kept the name of the movie but changed the font. We got the font from and experimented with the colours and angles.

This is our end result:

Draft Poster:
We made 2 poster to see which one we preferred. We didn't use this poster as our official one as we thought it was too basic and needed something extra. Instead we cropped the picture and placed it one the side of the poster. We got the inspiration to do this from the poster of Case 39.
See blow for official poster.
Magazine Poster:
This is our official magazine poster for 30.10.10. We decided to use photoshop to produce any poster/magazine covers as it had the best finish results and all the available tool as we need.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Today we started to upload our video footage's onto imovie. We had looked at each of the shots that we had taken and we discovered that some of the footage's were too dark to put into our trailer. Therefore we looked at all the shots and decided which shots we have to film again.

Tuesday 9 November 2010


Today as a group we allocated each of us a task to do. Asma is doing the poster for the trailer, i am evaluating the still shots we took to see if they are appropriate for constructing our magazine and poster. Naresa is doing the front cover of a magazine.
Scripting for 30.10.10:
Before we started filming, we discussed as a group the scripting of our trailer. We had done a draft and then neatly typed up and given to each crew member. We also run through the script with our actors.

                                                            CLICK TO ENLARGE

Wednesday 3 November 2010

What we did on the actual day:
We started filming on the 27th October I had planned for everyone to meet at the meeting point I had arranged and we made our way to Naressas house. Once we got there we looked around for good lighting and space since there was a lack of it. We shot 1 scene there and decided we needed a better location where we could finish the rest of the filming. When we as a group decided where we would go next one of the team member Naressa stayed behind. Once we arrived at the second location (Camden Square) we shot 3 other scenes. Since it was getting dark and cold and had children with us we thought we should get back and film again the next day.
The next day I had to pick up the children and wait for a good time in the day to go and film as we needed the right natural light from the sky. This time we filmed at Asmas back garden where we had to go through what was going to happen and who was going to what to the people in the scene. However yet again we were missing a group member Naressa. After filming 2 shots we had to get a little girl ready for to be painted with fake blood on her face and get the equipment ready at the same time. We had adult supervision at all times and assured the children that there was nothing to be scared off as some scenes where really scary. At the end of that we had managed to do 3 scenes there too and in total got 7 shots to put in our trailer.
There were a few things we had to change for instance the mask the killer was going to wear and where the fake blood should go but in all everything was going to plan. We also changed the weapon from a chainsaw to garden clippers as we couldn't get hold of any chainsaws and we thought it would be more safe to use garden clippers.We knew what shots we wanted and what kind of effect we were going for.
Organization of cameras:
Before we could start filming we needed a camera and a tripod to help give us till shots and we could pan some shots. We asked Mr Rosen if we could borrow a camera over the half term and so he gave us one with a clear tape for us to use. We discussed as a group who should be responsible for looking after the camera and we decided that Asma was best suited for that role. In order for us to make sure that the day was going to go smoothly we tested the camera so we were familiar with working it.
 My role was to get the actors ready for the shoot. We took turns in filming shots and looked after it by placing it back in its protective case whenever we weren't using it. We made sure that the camera was always fully charged and that it worked so we didn't have any problems during shooting.
After we had finished using the camera we handed it back to Mr Rosen so another group could use.

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Risk Assessment for filming:

This is the website which helped us to check what we should and should not do at our filming, to prevent any injures:

As we used children in the making of our trailer we had to ask permission from the parents and had to be aware of any potential danger as we ourselves are not adults.
We have produced a risk assessment form for both dates we had filmed on. This was approved by both parents and teachers. We had outlined the hazards and control measures needed to make this a safe filming experience. Below is the completed risk assessment form:

Risk Assment 1

                                                                                   (CLICK TO ENLARGE PICS)

Risk Assement 2

 Risak Assment 3

We also used a large hedge clipper in which we supervised how it was handeled at all time. We made sure the person holding it was wearing gloves and keeping it at a distance from everyone around him.